Moment of Inertia A Nexus mindmap 0 0 Unpacking the meaning of this integral takes a little practice - essentially you need to write the mass as a function of position and then integrate over the objects shape. 1 0 0 (view from above) 0 1 2 Neglect width of object 4 3 0 0 If the axis is in the middel of the beam, then it's the same calculation just the limits in the integral change 1 1 0 1 2 0 Example calculation for moment of inertia - a disk rotating about two different axes. 3 0 1 2 3 0 This is the view sideon 2 1 1 It's easier to turn a coin by flipping the faces than rotating it face up. If you think about it, more of the coins mass is concentrated near the axis of rotation in the former case. 2 2 1 0 0 This is an alternative way of splitting up the mass 1 0 1 0 Since the moment of inertial is given by an integral, we are free to split up the mass however convenient. It pays off to look for symmetries that will simplify the calculation. 2 0 1 0 0 1 2 3 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 This would be the calculation by direct integration 0 0 0 1 2 3 0 1 for 1D object 0 0 1 for 2D object 1 0 0 0 1 e.g. 2 Using scale (and symmetry) 4 Create Cantor dust by repeatedly removing the middle third of a line segment ad infinitum... 0 0 1 Notice that this is larger than for a solid line segment. We have the same mass but distributed further out so it makes sense. 0 0 2 0 See [Morin, Introduction to Classical Mechanics ] 2 Create the Sierpinski gasket by repeatedly removing the middle nineth of a square and each square in the surrounding material. 0 0 1 Again, this is larger than the solid version as the mass is distributed further out. 0 0 2 1 Fractal objects! 5 Moment of Inertia