Articles for subject Probability

  • An argument to maximising the entropy
  • Maximum entropy leads to some of the famous results of statistical mechanics.
  • making statements about whole families of logical propositions
  • A closer look at prior distributions
  • How do you assign actual values to probabilities?
  • Another of the key tasks of inference is to determine the value of a parameter in a model on the basis of observed data
  • Model comparison is one of the principal tasks on inference. Given some data, how does the plausibility of different models change? Does the data select out a particular model as being better?
  • In this workshop, we’ll introduce and examine the consequences of probability theory in various areas of physics. From the meaning of probabilities, to how to reason with incomplete information, model comparison, and parameter estimation. The approach will view probabilities as an extension of logic (i.e. following Laplace, Bernoulli, Cox, Jaynes, etc)
  • In this workshop, we’ll introduce and examine the consequences of probability theory in various areas of physics. From the meaning of probabilities, to how to reason with incomplete information, model comparison, parameter estimation, and modelling with Bayesian networks. The approach will view probabilities as an extension of logic (i.e. following Laplace, Bernoulli, Cox, Jaynes, etc)
  • In this workshop, we’ll introduce and examine the consequences of probability theory in various areas of physics. From the meaning of probabilities, to how to reason with incomplete information, model comparison, parameter estimation, and modelling with Bayesian networks. The approach will view probabilities as an extension of logic (i.e. following Laplace, Bernoulli, Cox, Jaynes, etc)
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